Finneroblog is completely about Fundamental Analysis which gives a complete structure of what the company does, Products, ownership pattern, company misconduct (frauds), Company History, latest news, etc. Comparing company with related data.
By reading these Blogs, one can guess whether a company is a good or bad company. So that one can understand the business properly before investing, no one can feel fear when the particular company is falling.
Finally, but not least our aim is to GROW TOGETHER by helping each other. By giving suggestions from you I can improve my content, contact through the contact form or mail me.
First, know the business's future value before you start to invest in it.
Never invest in a business you cannot understand.
Price is what you pay.
Value is what you get.
Blogs Sources:
Data are collected from various websites - Company Annual Reports, MakeinIndia, IIG(IndiaInvestmentGrid), IBEF, Trading Economics Etc.
It’s a completely individual Person Analysis which is not for any recommendations. This is only for the educational purpose which gives us facts about data. Learn from this blog and observe the business model or structure of the business.
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