India Fiscal Year GDP Growth Rate

 The most important and the fastest growing sector of the Indian economy are" services ". Trade, hotels, transport and communication; financing, insurance, real estate and business services and community, social and personal services account for more than 60 per cent of GDP. Agriculture, forestry and fishing constitute around 12 per cent of the output but employs more than 50 per cent of the labour force. Manufacturing accounts for 15 per cent of GDP, construction for another 8 per cent and mining, quarrying, electricity, gas and water supply for the remaining 5 per cent.

  • GDP at Current Prices in the year 2021-22 is estimated to attain a level of ₹ 236.44 lakh crore, as against ₹ 198.01 lakh crore in 2020-21, showing a growth rate of 19.4 per cent.
  • The growth in GDP during 2021-22 is estimated at 8.9 per cent as compared to a contraction of 6.6 per cent in 2020-21.
  • NDP(Net Domestic Product) for the year 2020-21 is Rs.1,17,26,198 crores & for 2021-22 is estimated at Rs.1,27,88,045 crores, the growth in NDP is estimated at 9.1 per cent as compared to a contraction of -8.3 per cent in 2020-21.

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